Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ullja's Lampwork Blog about Beads

Today On Ullja's blog she claims all accusations of fraud were dropped. Read about Ullja's a Fraud Here.

What she fails to mention is her shop has been closed by Etsy administration. It is not closed for vacation. It is brickwalled which means Etsy closed it for violating their policies. Only Etsy admin can brickwall a shop.
here's is a link to her former Etsy Shop: Ullja's banned Etsy Shop

As for The beads she mentions on her Yahoo Store, those beads are nowhere to be found on her store anymore. Did yahoo make her remove them?

The fact of the matter is Yahoo and Etsy are not the ones to come after her, it is up to each individual lampworker that she has committed fraud against to prosecute her in a court of law. All that tte venues can do is either shut down her store or take away the offending material, depending on their policies.

So she has the truth very twisted to suit her own needs. Just like she twisted/lied about making the beautiful beads she listed on these sites. These beads were created by other talented lampworkers whom have no need to be jealous or vindictive. They just want credit for their work were credit is due.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Crazy is as Crazy Does Continued

Case in point...

One delusional lampworker makes crazy accusations against a community of hundreds of lampworkers.

Pay particular attention to this statement:

"The species of the fishes has one of the smallest brains…with this lure, you bit my hook and now that you are in my hands, I will joyfully watch the end of this catch…."

Do sane people make statements like this? Please discuss amongst yourselves...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Some people are just craaazzzyyyy

Just sayin'...crazy is as crazy does.